The Minister of Social Policy, Women and Migration, Joaquín Bascuñana accompanied by the Director General of Family, Gender and Children, Laura Muñoz, and the mayor of the municipality, María Antonia Conesa, inaugurated today the expansion of the Center for Child Care (CAI ) of Fuente Alamo, involving the creation of 66 new places for children from 4 to 36 months of age.
The cost of the expansion of CAI has been 720,645 euros, of which the Autonomous Community has contributed 499,400 euros, including equipment, and the city, 221,245 euros, equivalent to the value of land.
The center of the municipality, was launched in 2007 with capacity to serve 41 children, and in 2008 requested an extension, through which the number of seats is now 107, of which 77 are occupied.
CAI management company is for the home help Murcia, which has seven employees.
The current schedule of the center are 7:30 am to 20:00 and remains open in August.
Source: CARM