The Ministry of Culture and Spokesman published today in the Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia (BORM) resolution approving the procedure for the declaration starts as well listed for its cultural relevance of immaterial School Bolero de Fuente Alamo .
This institution was created in the late nineteenth century and continues its activity until today.
From Pedro Leandro Hernandez, master bolero de Fuente Alamo, were extended by the Region different modalities of this school, resulting in a repertoire made up malagueñas simple, sevillanas boleras three, cartageneras, malagueñas of the vineyard, bowling jot, bolero, double Malaga, manchegas and boleros.
The general director of Cultural Heritage, Maria Comas, said "guidelines Leandro family form the basis of much of the characteristic dances of regional folklore, and we believe that should be given protection and proper recognition to School Bolero de Fuente Alamo, as a way to ensure their conservation. "
The documentation collected in the record shows that the bolero school has a significant presence in the region and that its formal features have been maintained and passed through generations thanks to the perseverance and permanence of a family school, Leandro family, Fuente Álamo , from which have been created and disseminated forms of dance, even participating in the characteristic features of the bolero school, they have come to take nature letter singled out in the regional context.
The researcher ethnologist Manuel Sanchez Martinez has collected on his blog, the history of the family and its continuity Leandro today.
From a family of teachers of dance established in Fuente Alamo, at least half of the nineteenth century, have taught their dances Leandro street vendor by numerous points of the Region of Murcia for generations.
The brothers Leandro Mariano Legaz (1928-2012) and Anastasio Leandro Legaz (1940-2014), sons of Anastasio Leandro Izquierdo, were the last masters boleros, youth and following their parents, could live teaching dance to the late 1940s and early the next, in one of the moments of revival of taste for dancing bolero, after the Spanish Civil War.
Meanwhile Pedro Leandro Baths (1930) cousin of the previous and son of Pedro Leandro Izquierdo, brother Anastasio father, he learned the trade well since childhood, and reactivated the gang of Fuente Alamo and everything related to the bolero dance in the village , where he was school in the early 1980s, which currently continues his nephew Pedro José Leandro Navarro, as stated in the record.
Source: CARM