The director of the Office of the Unit, Miguel Angel Miranda, has taken the awards ceremony for the course organized by the Department of Social Policy of the City of Fuente Alamo, "Family Caregivers and Dependents," to give the latest statistics made concerning the performance and people served under the Law of the Unit within the town of Fuente Alamo.
According to these data, since the entry into force of Law Unit in 2007 in the town fuentealamera been resolved 84% of applications (total 393), of which 268 have already been recognized with grades II and III.
Miralles said that "the speed in processing by the Department of Social Policy of the City" has allowed 78.36% of the inhabitants of Fuente Alamo entitled to the provision (210) and are receiving appropriate support .
This information shows that Fuente Alamo is 8 points above the regional average attendance rate which is 70%.
On the other hand, in terms of type of delivery notification, the beneficiaries have received the following grants:
Allowance for care in the family.
Economic benefit related to the service.
Residential Care.
Telecare service.
The director of the Office of the Unit of the Ministry of Social Policy, Women and Migration in the Region of Murcia, also congratulated the 15 students participating in the course of "Family Caregivers and Dependents," because with this type of activities, "the general population is sensitized to the fundamental role that caregivers develop dependents."
Source: Ayuntamiento de Fuente Álamo